
Study Tips from Our Visitors

If you would like to submit your own Study Tip to be included below, please fill out our submission form.
Here are recent study tips that have been submitted by our visitors. To see more study tips, the archives are available to the left.
"Be careful not to mix up words. Here are three you should be careful with. A site is a location like the site of a civil war battle or a web site. Sight means to see something. Cite is something you use when you write a paper and cite some reference. It's easy to mix these up, so be careful. "
Amaya Warren
Student, 6th Grade
Valrico, Florida, USA
"The best way of studying is to make good utilization of time. Don't think that you just studied an hour, but think instead of how many minutes were utilized."
Nazish Shafi
Student, 11th
Kota, India
"You can study anywhere. Obviously, some places are better than others. Libraries, study lounges or private rooms are best. Above all, the place you choose to study should not be distracting. Distractions can build up, and the first thing you know, you're out of time and out of luck. Make choosing a good physical environment a part of your study habits."
Patrick Terence
Student, 9th Grade
Kulai, Malaysia
"I know how long I can study before I get bored. I keep this in mind when I set up my study schedule. Once you're bored, you can keep studying, but it won't help."
Mark Tessler
Student, 10
Sacremento, California, USA
"When I study I set a time which I think is adequate for me to study. I isolate myself from things that can easily distract me. Don't overdo studying."
Alfred A.K.
Student, 01
Soweto, South Africa
"Repetition is the key to learning."
Sandeep Munot
Student, 13
Amravati, India
"When I study for an exam I read my written notes rather than read the whole pages in the textbook. It is kind of wasting time reading a long text when your exam is around the corner. To study hard but not smart enough to manage your time is useless. So, my point is to write and read notes, study smart, and manage your study time properly. "
Julie Julius Majeng
Student, Pre-University
Miri, Malaysia
"Isolate yourself from distraction in order to concentrate and allot time and privacy for study periods."
Rudolph Selby
Student, GED
Brooklyn, New York, USA
"Form what you are trying to learn into a song and sing it atleast 5 times. "
Matthew Wermuth
Student, 1st year
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
"My dorm is noisy so I do a lot of my work at the library. When I start to get nervous or bored, I move to another spot in the library. During a long study session I might move several times. It's like starting over each time."
Roger Albert
Student, College junior
Paramus, New Jersey, USA
"Studying is the best way to get good results and then a good job or career. Tell yourself that you want to do well and look at all the advantages a good eduction can bring. Don't give into any pressure from your friends not to study. Look at how much work you have to get through and decide that you'll arrange plenty of time to complete it. Get yourself a good place to study in and try not to be distracted by other things. "
Riyaz Mohd
Student, inter first year
Hyderabad, India
"If you want to remember information, you have to use it every way you can. Read it, say it, write it, and think about it."
Rosa Rosales
Student, 10th grade
Detroit, Michigan, USA

General information » Harvard University

Harvard University organizational names can be unwieldy, and are often reduced to abbreviations or acronyms for simplification. In the list below, Harvard acronyms are paired with links to the organizations to which they refer. For more translations of “Harvardspeak,” visit Lamont Library’s “ Harvard Lingo Revealed.”
ABCD ABCD Committee (University-wide computer user group)
ABLE A Better Learning Environment (web-based documentation for new online financial tools)
AIE Arts in Education
ALPS Active Learning Practices for School
ART American Repertory Theatre
BBRI Boston Biomedical Research Institute
BCMP Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
BCSIA Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
BGIE Business, Government and the International Economy
BIDMC Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center
BSC Bureau of Study Counsel
BTI Boston Theological Institute
BWH Brigham and Women’s Hospital
BWR-VAMC Brockton-West Roxbury VA Medical Center
CAPS Center for American Political Studies
CAS Committee on African Studies
CB Cell Biology
CBAR Center for Biostatics in AIDS Research
CBG Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government
CBR Center for Blood Research
CCB Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Department of
CCPE Center for Continuing Professional Education
CES Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies
CFA Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
CFIA Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
CHGE Center for Health and the Global Environment
CHS Center for Hellenic Studies
CID Center for International Development
CJI Criminal Justice Institute
CJS Center for Jewish Studies
CLCS Center for Literary and Cultural Studies (The Humanities Center)
CMES Center for Middle Eastern Studies
CMT Harvard Condensed Matter Theory Group
CNS Center for Nanoscale Systems
COPE Compact for open-access publishing equity fund
CPDS Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies
CSWR Center for the Study of World Religions
CUDS Center for Urban Development Studies
CWD Center for Workplace Development (Password-protected access for Harvard employees only)
DASH Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard
DBS Division of Biological Sciences
DCE Division of Continuing Education
DCJ Documentation Center on Contemporary Japan
DFCI Dana Farber Cancer Institute
DJO Digital Journal of Ophthalmology
DMS Division of Medical Sciences
DOR Division of Research
DRCLAS David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies
DSG Decision Systems Group
DSM Department of Social Medicine
EAP Employee Assistance Program
EAS East Asian Studies
ECI Enhancing Care Initiative (Harvard AIDS Institute)
EECS Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
EH&S Environmental Health and Safety
ELOB Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound
ELRC European Law Research Center
ENRP Environment and Natural Resources Program
ENT Education with New Technologies
EPL Eaton-Peabody Laboratory of Auditory Physiology
EPS Earth and Planetary Sciences
ERC Educational Resource Center for Occupational Safety and Health
ESE Environmental Sciences and Engineering
ESPP Environmental Science and Public Policy
FAD Financial Administration (central financial services for the University)
FAS Faculty of Arts and Sciences
FDO Freshman Dean's Office
FEP Field Experience Program
FIRS SAO Far-Infrared Spectroscopy Group
FMO Facilities Maintenance Operations
FSC Film Study Center
FXB Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights
GCC Gutman Conference Center
GCD Genetics and Complex Diseases
GEA Global Environmental Assessment Project
GRS General Records Schedule (University guidelines for administrative record maintenance)
GSAS Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
GSD Graduate School of Design
GSE Graduate School of Education
HAA Harvard Alumni Association
HAI Harvard AIDS Initiative
HAM Harvard Art Museums
HAPR Harvard Asia Pacific Review
HASCS Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Computer Services (computing support for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences)
HBR Harvard Business Review
HBS Harvard Business School
HBSP Harvard Business School Publishing
HCL Harvard Cyclotron Laboratory
HCL Harvard College Library
HCP Health Care Policy
HCPDS Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies
HCRA Harvard Center for Risk Analysis
HCS Harvard Computer Society
HCTAR Harvard Center for Textile and Apparel Research
HD Harvard Depository (offsite storage facility for library materials)
HDM Harvard Design Magazine
HDP Human Development and Psychology
HDS Harvard Divinity School
HEAL History and East Asian Languages
HEPG Harvard Education Publishing Group
HEPG Harvard Electricity Policy Group
HER Harvard Educational Review
HFA Harvard Film Archive
HFRP Harvard Family Research Project
HGSE Graduate School of Education
HHP Harvard Homepage
HICRC Harvard Injury Control Research Center
HIID Harvard Institute for International Development
HIIP Harvard Information Infrastructure Project
HILR Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement
HIO Harvard International Office
HIR Harvard International Review
HIRES Harvard University job listings
HKS John F. Kennedy School of Government
HLR Harvard Law Review
HLS Harvard Law School
HMNH Harvard Museum of Natural History
HMS Harvard Medical School
HOLLIS HOLLIS (online library catalog)
HOPE Harvard open-access publishing equity fund
HPAC Harvard Public Affairs & Communications
HPPS Harvard Printing and Publication Services
HRES Harvard Real Estate Services
HRI Human Rights Policy, Carr Center for
HRL Harvard Robotics Laboratory
HRO Harvard Radiation Oncology
HRP Human Rights Program
HSA Harvard Student Agencies
HSDM Harvard School of Dental Medicine
HSPH School of Public Health
HTC Theatre Collection, Houghton Library
HTUP Harvard Trade Union Program
HUDS Harvard University Dining Services
HUCE Harvard University Center for the Environment
HUECU Harvard University Employees Credit Union
HUH Harvard University Herbaria
HUHS Harvard University Health Services
HUHEPL High Energy Physics Lab
HUID Identification and Data Services
HUL Harvard University Library
HUNAP Harvard University Native American Program
HUP Harvard University Press
HUPD Harvard University Police
HURI Ukrainian Research Institute
IAAS Inner Asian and Altaic Studies
IATT Institute for Advanced Theatre Training
ICCB Harvard Institute of Chemistry and Cell Biology
ICG Instructional Computer Group
ICLS Institute for Cultural Landscape Studies (Arnold Arboretum)
ILSP Islamic Legal Studies Program
IMS Instructional Media Services
IOP Institute of Politics
IPNI International Plant Names Index
IQSS Institute for Quantitative Social Science
ITAMP Institute for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics
ITP International Tax Program
JBCC Judge Baker Children's Center
JOLT Harvard Journal of Law and Technology
L&T Learning and Teaching
LASPAU Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas
LDI Harvard Library Digital Initiative
LRC Language Resource Center
LTC Learning Technologies Center
MBB Mind/Brain/Behavior Interfaculty Initiative
MBMI Mind/Body Medical Intitute
MCB Molecular and Cellular Biology
MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology
MEEI Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
MFDP Minority Faculty Development Program
MGH Massachusetts General Hospital
MIDMAC John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Successful Midlife Development
MRSEC Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
NAP Native American Program, Harvard University
NCSALL National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy
NERPRC New England Regional Primate Research Center
NOC Network Operations Center (UIS)
O&I Outings and Innings (employee discount program, password-protected access for Harvard employees only)
OAP Office of the Assistant to the President
OASIS Online Archival Search Information System (digital finding aids project)
OCS Office of Career Services
OEB Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
OFS Office of Financial Systems
OGC Office of the General Counsel
OHR Office of Human Resources
OIS Office for Information Systems (information technology department for library system)
OPRP Office of Physical Resources & Planning (FAS)
OSC Office for Scholarly Communication
OSR Office for Sponsored Research
OTD Office of Technology Development
PBHA Phillips Brooks House Association (public service organization)
PEEMT Program on the Economic Evaluation of Medical Technology
PEPG Program on Education Policy and Governance
PHP Division of Public Health Practice
PICAR Program on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution
PIL Program of Instruction for Lawyers
PIRP Program on Information Resources Policy
PNP Plant Names Project
PON Program on Negotiation
PONSACS Program on Nonviolent Sanctions and Cultural Survival
PPE Programs in Professional Education
QCARE Center for Quality of Care Research and Education
R&P Risk and Prevention
RCC Research Computing Center
RIJS Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies
RL&L Romance Languages and Literatures
RSEA Regional Studies: East Asia
SAO Smithsonian Astrophysics Observatory
SDR Student Disability Resources
SEAS School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
SED Science Education Department, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
SEO Student Employment Office
SERI Schepens Eye Research Institute
SICA Summer Institute on College Admissions
SOC Server Operations Center
SSP Secondary School Summer Program
TAP Tuition Assistance Plan (tuition reimbursement for Harvard employees)
TEP Program on Technology and Economic Policy
TIE Technology in Education
TPC Technology Product Center (on-campus computer salesroom)
UC Undergraduate Council
UCE University Center for the Environment, Harvard
UDO University Development Office
UHS University Health Services
UIS University Information Systems
UOS University Operations Services
UPD Urban Planning and Design
UPO University Planning Office
UTEP Undergraduate Teacher Education Program
VES Visual and Environmental Studies
VIA Visual Information Access (online library catalog for visual materials)
WAPPP Women and Public Policy Program
WCFIA Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
WJH William James Hall
WSRP Women's Studies in Religion Program

Top 50 Universities

he "Webometrics Ranking of World Universities" is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.
Spanish Research Council main building CSIC is among the first basic research organizations in Europe. The CSIC consisted in 2006 of 126 centers and institutes distributed throughout Spain.
CSIC is attached to the Ministry of Education and its main objective is to promote scientific research as to improve the progress of the scientific and technological level of the country which will contribute to increase the welfare of the citizens.
CSIC also plays an important role in the formation of new researchers and technicians in the different aspects of the science and the technology.
The organization collaborates with other institutions of the Spanish R&D system (universities, autonomous governs, other public and private research organisms) and with social, economic, national or foreign agents to which contributes with its research capacity and human and material resources in the development of research projects or under the form of consultancy and scientific and technical support. CSIC was founded in 1939 from a previous body, the Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas created in 1907 under the leadership of the Spanish Nobel Prize Prof. Ramón y Cajal.
CCHS building
The laboratory is located at the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS). This center started during 2007 and originated from the merge in one place of the different centers and institutes devoted to the Social and Humanity Sciences that belongs to the CSIC and were located in Madrid.
The Cybermetrics Lab, part of the CCHS - CSIC, is devoted to the quantitative analysis of the Internet and Web contents specially those related to the processes of generation and scholarly communication of scientific knowledge. This is a new emerging discipline that has been called Cybermetrics (our team developed and publishes the free electronic journal Cybermetrics since 1997) or Webometrics.
The Cybermetrics Lab using quantitative methods has designed and applied indicators that allow us to measure the scientific activity on the Web. The cybermetric indicators are useful to evaluate science and technology and they are the perfect complement to the results obtained with bibliometric methods in scientometric studies.

The specific areas of research include:
  • Development of Web indicators to be applied on the areas of the Spanish, European, Latinamerican and World R&D
  • Quantitative studies about the scientific communication through electronic journals and repositories, and the impact of the Open Access initiatives.
  • Development of indicators about resources in the Society of Information
  • Indicators and social networks visualization on the Web with friendly, dynamic and interactive graphic interfaces
  • Desing and evaluation of documental analysis techniques of Web resources
  • Genre studies applied to the scholar activity on the Web
  • Development of applied cybermetrics techniques based on the positioning on search engines of Web domains
  • Analysis of the information usage through Web data mining of log files