
Study Tips from Our Visitors

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Here are recent study tips that have been submitted by our visitors. To see more study tips, the archives are available to the left.
"Be careful not to mix up words. Here are three you should be careful with. A site is a location like the site of a civil war battle or a web site. Sight means to see something. Cite is something you use when you write a paper and cite some reference. It's easy to mix these up, so be careful. "
Amaya Warren
Student, 6th Grade
Valrico, Florida, USA
"The best way of studying is to make good utilization of time. Don't think that you just studied an hour, but think instead of how many minutes were utilized."
Nazish Shafi
Student, 11th
Kota, India
"You can study anywhere. Obviously, some places are better than others. Libraries, study lounges or private rooms are best. Above all, the place you choose to study should not be distracting. Distractions can build up, and the first thing you know, you're out of time and out of luck. Make choosing a good physical environment a part of your study habits."
Patrick Terence
Student, 9th Grade
Kulai, Malaysia
"I know how long I can study before I get bored. I keep this in mind when I set up my study schedule. Once you're bored, you can keep studying, but it won't help."
Mark Tessler
Student, 10
Sacremento, California, USA
"When I study I set a time which I think is adequate for me to study. I isolate myself from things that can easily distract me. Don't overdo studying."
Alfred A.K.
Student, 01
Soweto, South Africa
"Repetition is the key to learning."
Sandeep Munot
Student, 13
Amravati, India
"When I study for an exam I read my written notes rather than read the whole pages in the textbook. It is kind of wasting time reading a long text when your exam is around the corner. To study hard but not smart enough to manage your time is useless. So, my point is to write and read notes, study smart, and manage your study time properly. "
Julie Julius Majeng
Student, Pre-University
Miri, Malaysia
"Isolate yourself from distraction in order to concentrate and allot time and privacy for study periods."
Rudolph Selby
Student, GED
Brooklyn, New York, USA
"Form what you are trying to learn into a song and sing it atleast 5 times. "
Matthew Wermuth
Student, 1st year
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
"My dorm is noisy so I do a lot of my work at the library. When I start to get nervous or bored, I move to another spot in the library. During a long study session I might move several times. It's like starting over each time."
Roger Albert
Student, College junior
Paramus, New Jersey, USA
"Studying is the best way to get good results and then a good job or career. Tell yourself that you want to do well and look at all the advantages a good eduction can bring. Don't give into any pressure from your friends not to study. Look at how much work you have to get through and decide that you'll arrange plenty of time to complete it. Get yourself a good place to study in and try not to be distracted by other things. "
Riyaz Mohd
Student, inter first year
Hyderabad, India
"If you want to remember information, you have to use it every way you can. Read it, say it, write it, and think about it."
Rosa Rosales
Student, 10th grade
Detroit, Michigan, USA

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